(This during the Elsie the cow stage, why could the teacher just not pronounce it correctly ugh)
I also remember singing that chatchy little saying "sticks and stones my break my bones but names will never hurt me" what a load of BS... I think I would almost have sticks and stones hurled in my direction at least I have a fighting chance to dodge them (I did take a giant stone to the face as a child, apparently I was not good at dodging or running for cover that ended me in the ER and getting my eye stitched up). Once the words have been spoken there is no way to dodge them or run for cover they have been heard and sept into our souls...
Why does it take so long in life to realize that words are much more damaging then sticks and stone, yes one might hit you one might even break a bone or cut your eye wide open but after the cast or the stitches only way to tell that there was a break is with an X-Ray or a scar. But words the have a way of lingering long after the bruise, cut or sting would. I will take the physical injury everytime... I hate the way words worm there way I to your heart making you believe that what was said about you was true...