Monday, June 30, 2014


How many times have you been told to forgive and forget?
I can remember being told this as a child, I even remember doing this when a friend at school or a sibling would do something to make me mad or sad. 
Back then it was so much easier to forgive and forget... When life was simple and a friend hurt your feelings, or said something mean, when a sister took your cloths and wore them, or called your pants her fat pants when she gained a few lbs... 
I can still forgive but it's the forgetting that's the hard part for me. I hold on to these things and they seem to continue to pop into my head from time to time... How can you forget something that scared you to the core? How do you forgive and move on when nothing will ever be the same. How can you forget when there always things to remind you that the event occurred? Or the words that were spoken can never be taken back...  
I have found myself being hurt, angry and sad and crumbling to pieces. As I continue to put all the little pieces back together like a puzzle, trying to make them fit just right, the pieces are still just not quite fitting perfectly and I feel like I have lost a few of them, and I am not sure if I will ever find them...
So forgiving is the easy part but once things are said and done you can never unthink them you can never unfeel them... Your puzzle is forever changed!!!
it's the finding a way to create a new puzzle and move forward, with all the pieces that are left...

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