So I stumbled apron this quote... "Stop seeking out the stoms of life and enjoy more fully the sunshine" for those who know me well know that I am kinda a glass half empty person... I have been doing a lot of work on this and I know that I have a long way to go to realize my glass is full a lot of the times but I focus on the times when it half empty or empty... So yes I notice more the storm cloud over my head more then the sunshine... I love the sun it makes me jump for joy... Rain is nice when I am sleeping but when I am awake I want the sun out shining... Why is it that I noticed more the days of gloom the I do the days of sunshine... Surly there is more sunshine days then there are rain days right? Yes I believe there is but for some reason I seem to focus more on the gloomy days and all I want to do is sit in my house curled on a blanket... Can't I just enjoy the rainy days too? So the next time there is rain I will find something good about the storm:) who am I kidding its been storming for days and all I see is gloom. I got caught in the rain last night on a run around the lake... I kinda actually enjoyed it but only because it was a drizzle and not a hard rain... But you know what I am enjoying about this storm? That today during my lunch break the sun is shining on me... There are storm clouds all around but for that peaceful hour in my car the sun was shining... So I guess I do seek the sunshine and fully enjoy it... Indeed it, crave, it want it. But not just the sunshine but the warmth!!!

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