Thursday, April 5, 2012
Curve Balls
You can see the softball coming out in me even back then. after working for 8 months on the latest infidelity.
What was now in the past but was still having an affect on me. I wish I could go back and tell this girl to get some help. I wish I could tell her what was waiting for her in the future. I wish I could protect her from the next curve ball.
I keep looking in that past wondering if there was something I missed, something I didn’t see.
Was I that out of touch at what my life was?
Was I just that blinded by love and trusted the person I no doubt wanted to spend eternity with?
Could I have stoped what was coming?
As I read back my heart breaks all over again for the love that I freely gave and forgiveness that I worked so hard to find.
2012 me moving on, forgiving and building what I thought was such an amazing life. Posting on my family blog.
So it's been awhile since I have even been on this thing. I found 2 posts I started and never finished so I posted them anyway. How time slips away.
My excuse of not blogging stems from my, if you don't have anything good to talk about. Life is not all about the good! Sometimes life throws you curve balls. I can choose to foul it off and wait for a better pitch or I can watch it go by and hope it’s not called a strike.
What I learned form 2011 I hated most of it. life threw me a curve ball and I had to make a choice to foul it off or stand there and strike out. I was determined to get a better pitch and realized just what was important to me and that was my eternal family. I would do anything for any of them and I would keep fouling off the curve balls to ensure that better pitch. They were the one and only thing that mattered to the lord and to me. I learned that in life things indeed happen for a reason and people come into your life and bless it! That curve balls are thrown to people everyday and it's how you choose to move forward! I am moving forward and forgetting the past forgiving because it takes a lot more energy to hate! I just hope I never have another 2011.

I guess if need be, I will just not let it define me as a half empty kind of person. So for posting its going to happen more often because my life is not perfect and it has it's ups and downs and when my grandchildren read this maybe they will see the good and the bad and realize that you are able to carry on despite the curve balls!
Let's just hope I can keep this attitude the next time I receive a curve ball. There is no curve ball that the two of us with the lords help can’t overcome. He will deliver that better pitch.
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