Sunday, December 20, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
1000 Days
Monday, October 26, 2020
With These Rings
I still remember this date. August 18, 2018! I had just witnessed days prior, the nightmare of my own life. I couldn’t deny it, I tried, but it was burned into my heart and my head—no going back. I remember praying to give up. I had already tried 6 days before this. I had full intentions.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The day I was asked, “what was the hardest part.” I had to really think about it because there had been so much hard. So here goes the cold HARD truth of it!
Loss of sense of self-worth, loss of belief in self, and loss of hope in the future in general.
It was all piling up now, the truths, the secrets the papers had been served, and the losses kept stacking up; I wasn’t just losing my husband, I was losing my best friend, my partner, my world, the future I was excited for. I had no idea at the time that I would lose people I thought loved me, the people I loved, it would be the friends that turned there back. I
I would lose everything I thought I knew about my marriage, security, financial stability, jobs, I would Lose ME!
What my husband had done had just blown up in my face and the reality that I lived a lie.
The most shattering moment when I realized there, we so many more that I had no clue about. I was already devastated, and you know what I got to hear? Truths not from him but from the others.
Trust shattered
Lives Shattered
Truth Shattered
Oh, your husband was cheating on you . . . and now he is living with her . . . how does that feel?”
In a moment when all I wanted was to hide from the world, everyone was there watching me. Whispering, I hated going anywhere I could see the stares, I could hear the whispers and some not so wipers. I wanted to dig a hole and toss myself in. He had walked away. He didn’t have to see any of it. He left me to clean up the mess that was made by him, and deep down, I hated him for it.
What was the hardest part? The discoveries, the rumors, I didn’t eat, I didn’t get out of bed unless it was forced to go to work because I knew I couldn’t lose my job. I didn’t do that well at this point, that’s for sure.
Those truths just kept coming in text messages, Facebook messages, phone calls, the illicit email to her. The hard fact staring at me. They shattered everything I had left. Any piece of me that was left was now gone. So I stopped living; I was slowly dying.
You ever wonder what sever depression looks like? I wouldn’t leave my bed for anything but to go to the bathroom for days at a time. I wasn’t eating or sleeping; everything hurt. I would carry on like this until one day, my mom said You have to get up, you have to live for your kids. She said they think they lost you too. Hard Truth is they have. I am not the same, I am not the mom they had; they have witnessed the trauma mom, I can’t fake it till I make it on this one.
It was the neighbors.
The office manager that would lose us a cleaning job.
My Best friend, x2
Bragging lady telling everyone she was actually his 1st affair.
Now the girl he was living with while still married to me.
That depressed me couldn’t function, affair, attorney, divorce, loss loss loss. It’s all I could feel the shattering of the lady who’s husband was living with another girl. This was a real-life nightmare, and I really wanted to wake up.
The hardest part? You ask?
What could get harder?
The cruel words
“You pushed me.”
“you're a terrible mother, and I should have never left the kids with you.” That one is the one that I battle on a daily. Nothing can take that one away. Because honestly, I am scared I will never be that mom they once had before the trauma of all this. I can’t be her; she is gone and isn’t coming back. I am scared that what if this is what they get? What if I never get better despite all the therapy and the work. What if this is the best they have now.
The hard reality I want a pause or reset button, a magic pill that would take away the pain. I have wished I could make it all better and fix all. Truth it all sucks 2 years of it the beliefs my kids now have. I want all the pain and sorrow they have to be gone taken away.
I can't take away that I can’t heal them. Crap, I have a hard enough time trying to heal me. I cannot protect them from the bad and ugly.
This is what I do know, I can testify that Heavenly Father has that power. That he is the reason, I have been given the words to say when they have asked questions for which I didn’t know and also needed the answer. He is the comforter in all my shattered hard moments and when fear keeps destroying me over and over with the hard.
When I say the hard loss of the people, I loved. I have also been blessed with people that have helped me—the very best people guiding the hard dark path.
He has guided me, carried me, heard my prayers, He loves me. The hardest moments, he always sent someone to hold my tears fall in laps, listening ears. Hands to hold on the very hardest days. He can and will give us strength even when the hard truths shattered all your pieces.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Death on August 12th

This day Life altering once in 2002 and again in 2018. Death it was the death of my dad and then the death of me.
From this moment on let me describe my mental state when it wasn’t wishing for death, praying for death it was all of this. My brain couldn’t and wouldn’t operate the same. Fear that was a constant every waking moment sleepless nights, zombie days. Restlessness, anxiety and in constant guard not to mention the sadness. I couldn’t regulate my moods it was shock, disbelief, anger, devastation, I had been given exercises in therapy to help calm me along with medication to help with sleep and make me a zombie and I prefered that, the zombie compared to the having to feel a single bit of it. My heart hurt like physically hurt inside my body. I couldn’t reason with myself or make any intelligent decisions. FEAR was at the center hijacking any normal function I had left. Every single task felt like the most challenging thing and I cried non stop. I was completely out of control. I was stretched to the limits and this was it the moment I died as I watched him walk out of that house with someone else and get in the car I text him immediately after and he responded. “You need to stop.” As if I don’t deserve a single answer no closure just trash that’s what I was to him trash. CPTSD ALSO CALLED CDMD betrayal trauma. All fancy words I have learned from the hours and $ spend on many therapists. Some excellent and some well not a great fit for me.
What’s it like to be betrayed by a significant other,one that you admired and loved?
I now share this August 12th date of death. This traumatic stressor that was now premeditated, planned, and caused by another. My husband. This isn’t just a call he went on, an accident he handled this was a thought out planned meeting at his brother and sister inlaws house a block from my house. A violation of my marriage detrimental to my soul.
Complex trauma is applied to adults who have experienced chronic relational trauma (for instance, ongoing sexual and emotional betrayal) that destroys the foundational trust in their primary relationship. In such cases, complex trauma theory accurately summarizes the levels of stress, distress, and emotional fragmentation that betrayed partners experience. This article was given to my by my therapist when I said you know I just don’t understand. Yep still trying to understand it all.
That night, the wee hours of August 12th.
information that had been given to me in text, phone calls and a manila envelope left on my car that left me sobbing and dry heaving in the shower. His words written to her in a sexually explicit email. The information I had now just seen with my own eyes. I couldn’t defend the rumor or him any longer or it would be me that was lying. As I watched my body got hot I started internally shaking, my knees buckled under me, my heart was racing, the thoughts were coming so fast I couldn’t even process them but I could not deny what I had seen and I was devestated. I was devestated for me and also my child that witnessed the same thing hours earlier. The shower of lies pouring out. Then I was cold and shaking and the panick attack, the spinning of the room my lungs trying to breath and I was lying on the side of the road waiting for it to end so I could go home. Tears that I had no idea a person could cry that many. One of the things I have learned in therapy is that feelings and emotions you feel in the body before they ever register in the mind. The body and all the magical things it will do like gearing up for the threat with adrenaline and cortisol. Fight, flight or shut down. Lucky for me mine would choose the panick attack as it’s mechanisam and shut right down.
From this night on I lived in a emotional mess. It was the repeated discovery of the life I knew little to nothing about the LIES that kept me in that min by min day by day and month upon month.
The emotional rollercoaster that I wish I could just get off of.
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, staying present. That a rough one for me.
The body keeps the score (therapy homework assignment) indeed! Body based pain and discomfort like my heart that felt like I was being crushed the pain deep in my chest.
Survival how is it that one survives the unfavorable, unfair, unjust?
I thought of this many times in the last 2 years and all unfairness of the world has amplified a million times since this day 18 years ago. The cancer that would steal my dad away the day I share with THIS NEW TRAUMA. You may hear it the gossip the rumors but when you see it with your own eyes it something entirely different so this day August 12th isn’t just the day I would lose my dad. It is also a trauma that is trapped deep inside me. He hadn’t left to “fix himself” it had all been a lie. August 12th the day of death! The death of me, the death of love the death of life.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think you would be one of the things I would have to survive. The trauma you caused has impacted my life in ways some can’t understand half the time I can’t understand it.
Fragments of this date that have hit my heart and my mind has trouble with this autopilot of survival.
Words I wish I never heard, words I wish I could never know. Heartbreak, gaslighting, betrayal trauma, co-dependent, reactive abuse, affair, DSM5, EMDR, triangulation, triggers, manipulation, all the fancy therapy words.
I feel emotionally, mentally and even spiritually exhausted . It is far more than simple heartbreak. Somewhere in there I still try and find understanding. This isn’t a simple heartbreak it so much worse because it’s always haunting. A scar that no matter what your heart can’t recover.
What’s even more heartbreaking is that friends and family suspected what was going on, and while they were ready to defend me, I was always trying to defend you. Defend because I loved and defend because I thought there was an ounce of tenderness left.
Unfortunately, I was horribly mistaken, and no it came with no guide to overcome the damage that was caused. The tall mountain left to climb, I keep climbing because eventually I have to arrive or so I think! August 12 I am just going to try and survive the horrible memory of you.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
How to, WHAT?
Remember how amazing this ______was and the love we shared? We will always regret it if we don’t at least try to build that incredible connection before we throw it all away...
Yep, you guessed it. I used it, you know, I wrote it down in my little journal, and at the time I must have had a load of hope that it would work. It was going to be my saving grace, you know because the book said so, so I waited for the perfect day, and I sent it. I bet you can’t guess what day it was. You guessed it today. Why had I picked up that journal, and why had I read that page. Why because we had the year prior gone on an incredible 20-year trip. It was amazing. It was exceptional, and the time of my life, I wasn’t sure anything could top it. Now it won’t because I had no idea what secrets were already being kept the lies being told, and now it all just seems like that! The giant lie of a life I lived. That’s where I get stuck the fabrication of an experience I lived, and I didn’t even know it, but this girl the one writing on these pages that I now read she believed with all of her she could save it and you know she fought like HELL to do just that, and in the end, it broke her. It broke almost everything she ever believed in. Love, trust, always, and forever, it broke how she views herself and how she views the world and others. I wish I could go back and smack her hard and say it won’t make one damn bit of difference. You are wasting your time. In the end, you will be heartbroken. You will have to make hard choices that will make you cry every day you will do all the things you think are right. In the end, none of them will be enough let me punch you in the gut now so that the blow that’s coming can not hurt so much let me slap some sense into you so that the devastation won’t last so dang long let me punch you hard so maybe the tears won’t sting as they roll down your face when you lose all hope. When hope is lost, and your world goes dark because that’s what will happen if you keep trying to save something that you didn’t break. Oh, darling if only you could see the HELL that's coming because I promise you that you would run far away so that you won’t have to feel it.
But hear I sit reading her words and admiring the faith, she had to follow the promptings. I mean, I think maybe I deserve a refund from that audiobook.
The truth I can’t save her as I read these words from a version of me that I can’t save, I can’t prevent her from wondering what she did so wrong that deserved this. I can’t keep her from the truth that she is soon to find out, I can’t save her from the lies. I can’t save her from then infidelity that's bigger than she could ever imagine. I can’t save her, so I stopped reading because I know how this will end her hope dies her heartbreaks and a wound is left that will never heal. I know how it ends and damn it if I don’t want to save her from it all if I don’t wake every day wishing it was different if I don’t cry more often then I want if my heart still hurts more than it should if I could just rip that page and make it all go away. But it won’t change a thing it happened; it’s real, and it sucks. I can’t pretend it away. I can’t close my eye and make it feel better. I can’t even live my life without something in my life every day, reminding me that it happened, and this is, in fact, my life the one I live after the trama that would change that girl on that page forever.
She is different; she is guarded and dull and sad. She isn’t the same; she is missing pieces of her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can’t be her—a shell of her former self working hard to be something different than the girl on that page.
Trying hard to find a piece of her that’s not shattered.
She misses her old her but knows she will never return she died in the pages that are to follow, and I closed the book because I can’t stomach reading anymore as I see the sorrow that fills the next pages and the how to save your marriage alone was enough for one night. I might still be laughing through my tears on that brilliant idea, and I want my money back!
Friday, May 8, 2020
That 4 Letter word.

Friday, April 24, 2020
Trickle Truth
When I woke up on this day 2 years ago, I had no idea that my whole life and everything I knew and believed was about to change. I had no idea that by the end of the day, my entire world would be turned upside down.
April 24, 2018, the events of this day still haunt me. I woke hopeful he had seemed a little more himself this week then he had the past few months. I thought we had finally come out the other side of whatever the heck was going on. He got up, headed to work, and I went about cleaning the house before leaving on a bus trip. We had shared a moment that morning when he arrived back home a few hours after he left. I didn’t know then what I do now that he was also with her that morning. It was a series of odd things he had met me at the bus to give me a bag that he needed me to take with me and he would Kiss me goodbye. I had no idea when I loaded that bus @10 am what would happen next. He messaged me on the trip, but by lunch, he wasn’t replying to anything I had sent. I coached that softball game messaging him when I had a moment still no reply after the game I called his phone and got a message stating the customer I dialed had restrictions. I had my child that was with my call, and she got the same message. I called my youngest and asked where’s dad he said he is busy. I said why won’t he answer me he said his phone is broke. Which I found weird as it was new. I said, will you have him call me? A phone call I would not receive.
Then it happened a message on Facebook.
I would silently cry tears the rest of the bus trip. I wasn’t prepared for what was awaiting me at home.
All the Lies the deception.
Sadness, anger, fear all of it had set in when I arrived back to my car @11:30 from that ball trip.
When I arrived home, I noticed his work truck missing from the driveway.
I walked into the house to see him sitting in his uniform against the bed with the lights on at midnight, and I knew something was really wrong. I walked in. I handed him my phone showed him the message, and he gave me back my phone and said, ya, I know I was put on leave because of it today.
I stood there in shock, devastated, and the words I dreaded knowing the answer to.
Is it true?
He said none of it!
I said, then we fight!
I was willing to stand beside him like I had the last 25 years of life and fight with him for him. I didn’t sleep at all that night. We stayed up talking about our options what we would do going forward. I knew I had to go to work as I had things I had to take care of. To this day, I regret going.
After I arrived that morning, I would receive a phone call that would again shatter any sense of hope I had.
I remember calling and telling him what was said between the husband of the girl and me. My exact words were I will help you hide the body, but you have got to start telling me the truth. I have to know what I am getting into. He again said it was all lies.
That’s when it started the trickle truth. A change in the story over and over again. Trickle truth!
That is what I got. It won’t take a psychologist to understand that infidelity is damaging, damaging to kids, damaging to the family. He had watched the damage with his own eye when he and my friend decided to do this. He watched again as I would find out about A. When he had walked away last time. A lot of this damage was inflicted by the lies he told so he could cheat, sneak around for an affair. Lies, more lies, deceit.
Normalcy home, work-family, trips, love notes, like not a thing, was wrong. Like he didn’t have this giant secret in our marriage that I knew nothing about that he had not been lying to me for months. I had asked him to tell me the truth. On this day and so many other days. The money he spent in someone else.
risking my health
Downplaying the sexual and emotional nature of an affair, “we are just friend
Lies All the damn lies. I am leaving, I just need time. In the end that's precisely what he did, He left and never looked back after he promised me that we were okay and he would never leave,
history rewriting
I could go on and on with this list.
The primary reason for a cheater not telling you about the affair is to protect the cheater from the consequences of their choices.
TRICKLE TRUTH. I would live this trickle truth from this day through August.
The trickle truth I would hear from others, small pieces I would be given and told from others.
We had been through a lot in the past quarter-century, yes, 25 years. Did he really believe at this point that I was incapable of dealing with any significant issues that face the relationship? This was so demeaning, even if he thought it would protect me from the abuse he had made me live from his infidelity.
Spoiler Alert: The damage in cheating is not your spouse having sex on some secret meeting spot. Not the fact that he skipped off into the sunset to be with this woman willing to insert herself into someone else’s marriage willingly. The real damage is what it took to create the environment that made this affair possible, manipulation, gaslighting, the destruction of your sense of reality, walking on eggshells because your spouse is unpredictable, irrational, distant, and making you feel like a crappy partner. Then he was risking my emotional and sexual health.
All of this came from the person I trusted most in life, my best friend, my husband, my protector, my everything.
It messes with your sense of self, your sense of worth.
When he made this choice, yes, choice, to cheat, he made a choice to break every boundary we had put into place. He broke every promise he had made, he broke all the work I had done on myself, on love on trust. It’s not that I couldn’t handle the truth. It was that he had so little respect for me that he felt it didn’t deserve it.
Salt in a wound of infidelity!
He lead me to believe his false reality because he didn’t give me a choice in the decisions he was making. He got to make a choice to do it then wanted to control the consequences of it. Denying me the ability to make my own informed choice.
I have struggled to make any choices going forward from this day; I have tried to listen to what the Lord has wanted me to do. I have cried more tears than I ever thought possible. Where love once brought joy, love brings sadness.
I have spent hundreds of dollars and a considerable amount of time in therapy, and I have to hold onto this.
To all my fellow betrayed partners navigating this aftermath of infidelity.
I hold onto hope that there is a way out of this darkness. Hope and knowledge that support is out there for this chaos and destruction. I hope that somehow someway I will survive, and do I even dare say it thrive once again. I know staying quite only protects one, but telling my story may help many and give them HOPE.